The reporters had left some time ago to file their stories, and everyone in the room seemed concerned about what would be said. (Pg. 178) "Now, listen, Arthur," Elvis said, running a comb through his dark hair. "That press conference? Wonderful, my boy, just wonderful. You got me all shook up- you're a real dude, more honest than any politician I ever saw back in my day."
Arthur laughed. "Thank you kindly, Mr. Presley." He said, "I'm not sure they liked it as much as you did, though."
"Ah, nuts to them." The former singer replied with a wave of his hand, "They'll come around. But y'know... you could use a little more
flair in your presentation."
really now?" Arthur asked, "What did you have in mind?"
"Nothin' major, nothin' major- but I could make a comeback to endorse you. Maybe give a little concert before your next big interview. I may've been outta the rock game for a while, but lemme tell you; they find out you got the
real Elvis Presley on your side, and folks'll be all over you."
"They certainly would." Chimed in Merlin, arching an eyebrow, "In exactly the
wrong sort of way. If I recall correctly, Mr. Presley, you too are a long dead King, are you not? People would ask questions. The kind of questions we don't want."
"Aw, don't be cruel, my little friend- I wouldn't worry about that." Elvis grinned, "True, them reporters've got suspicious minds, but they wouldn't put two and two together- after all, who'd be expecting the King of Rock 'n Roll to be hanging out with the King of Camelot?"
"Certainly not me." Merlin muttered, "And yet, here we are..."
"I mean," The King continued, "It's not like I'm askin' Artie here to come out and be all, 'I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago'..."
"Your offer is appreciated, Elvis." Arthur interrupted, "But Merlin is right. While I do want publicity, I probably don't want the publicity that a dead... 'rock star', right? ...would bring. Besides, showmanship is unnecessary- I'd rather the people get to know the real me, instead of getting distracted by our fame."
"Well, it's not like it's now or never." Elvis shrugged, "You just lemme know if you change your mind, man. I'm happy to go get my mojo working for you anytime."