Saturday, January 20, 2018

Reflective Paragraph

I'd have to say the movie seemed historically accurate enough to me. Costumes, scenery and everything all seemed pretty spot on to me. A couple things I certainly thought were accurate was Rome's reluctance to let Arthur and his men go, and Marius's treatment of the pagans. I may not be an expert on the period, but my knowledge from various history classes has taught me that Rome and the Church were total bastards. And they certainly weren't very accepting of others faiths. I guess the only thing I can think of that didn't seem authentic was the lack of traditional looking knights, in the full armor? I was under the impression Arthur and his men were meant to look more like that; but given that they were servants of Rome for the majority of the film I suppose that makes sense.

Also not sure how I feel about Arthur being a Roman soldier, for that matter- I guess that's probably more realistic than him being chosen by a sword in a stone to be the destined king of England and all that, but this is certainly the first time I've ever heard the notion that he fought for Rome at one point in his life. All in all it was an okay movie, probably more realistic than the typical Arthurian legend, but definitely less interesting. (Seriously, give me dragons over Romans any day.)

Friday, January 19, 2018

King Arthur is the GOAT

While I was watching the movie King Arthur it seemed to be historically accurate according to the time period of when the tale of King Arthur takes place. As many people already know, the tale of King Arthur is said to have occurred in the Middle Ages or "Medieval Times". In the Middle Ages technology was not very advanced and can also be referred to as barbaric in a sense but the movie did a good job of displaying this lack of technology. During many of the scenes that take place during the night the only source of lighting comes from lamps lit with fire throughout the towns and buildings. This may be considered something minor but it's actually very good attention to detail because electricity was not yet discovered then and it makes the film seem more authentic. Another thing that could be considered minor but is very integral to the authenticity of the movie are the weapons. The weapons displayed throughout the movie are very barbaric ranging from swords, knives, crossbows, etc. During the Middle Ages battles were very close quarters, there were no guns. The only long-range weapons mainly used back then were crossbows and the movie displayed that very well when Arthur and his knights faced off against the Axons. I liked the costume designs of the knights as well in the movie, the knights looked exactly what I thought they would look like in my imagination. The metal plated shoulder pads and the worn-down drape clothes captured that knight feel. The only minor criticism I have with the movie in terms of authenticity is that I was expecting bigger constructions throughout the movie such as castles but maybe that's just because I'm used to seeing the more fairy tale like adaptations of King Arthur and his knights.