Thursday, January 11, 2018

Welcome to our Table!

Knights, Lords, and Ladies!

Round Table from BNF Manuscript 112,
the prose Lancelot (c.1470)
I, Morgan le Fay, have summoned you here using my most secret magics - arts that none but perhaps Merlin himself can comprehend. You are henceforth bound together by your collective quest, inextricably linked throughout the upcoming Winter and Spring. Those who ignore the demands of this community shall do so at their own peril, and only once Summer is upon us will you find yourselves able to complete your final quest and leave this table behind.

For the time that this bond shall last, we shall gather here at this Round Table to discuss and to debate the many ways in which Arthur, his knights, his ladies, and his enemies are presented in many times and places. We shall journey across time and across space together, and the discoveries that we shall make together will be manifold.

Steel your hearts and minds for the illuminating journey! I look forward to seeing what wonders you will uncover!

Magically, mischievously yours,
Morgan le Fay

"Morgan le Fay" painted
by Frederick Sandys, (1862-64).

Digital files of both images archived at Wikimedia Commons.