Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Mrs. Galahad
Dear diary,
I still can't believe it. My mind is moving a thousand miles an hour. I can't even control my thoughts. There is just so much going on in my head, and it's all about him. That was really him, just standing there right in front of me. And what did I do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "Never lay hands upon an outsider, a priestess of Avalon must be even as a visitor from the otherworld." Thats what the old priestess always said. But that's so stupid. I haven't seen him in forever and now he was right there in front of me and all I wanted to do was to just reach out for him and hug him and tell him how much I had missed him. But I couldn't. These rules freaking suck. The boy I haven't seen since we were 12 is now all grown, and damn is he grown. His muscles are so big, oh what I would have given for them to be around me right now. I wonder what he was thinking in that moment. He probably thought how weird I was, standing stiff as a board while he was all relaxed. Oh he will never like me the same way that I like him. But, maybe he didn't maybe he thought I was beautiful. And maybe it was his training that stopped us from embracing and feeling that spark that I know is there. I just know it is. He remembered me that has to mean something, right? That has to mean that he has been thinking about me too. I hope I will see him again soon. Maybe he will hug me. Maybe he will kiss me. Maybe he will ask me to be his. Maybe I'll get to be Mrs. Galahad. Ugh, why is life so hard?
The Great Mist
Was Lacelet (Galahad) right?
Is Avalon real? Is it a different real from the world at conflict? A peaceful place away from life and death?

Mists of Avalon
I don't believe this passage is necessarily a feminist approach to this story. The emphasis on masculinity and the need for a God to match her Goddess (she really says this) is inescapable. Lancelot proves himself to be the man's man when he says a few times that he "has lived in a world where men do not wait for a woman's bidding" (146). Morgaine exerts a lot of energy admiring Lancelot's physical appearance, and is heavily influenced by the way she feels when she's near him. Starting at their first interaction, her obsession with his outward appearance is perpetuated throughout the passage; on page 147 she spends almost an the page admiring every detail of his physique. She likes that his look is not androgynous, but especially manly like a "stag," and comments that she had "never seen such a masculine creature before" (147). This fixation on his appearance is especially annoying compared to Morgaine's own desire for Lancelot to see her inner beauty when she apparently sees only his surface level.
The physical attraction is noteworthy, but what really makes me doubt the woman-power in this passage is the fact that Morgaine says she has never felt happiness before Lancelot. She feels validated because “he desired her...his love and respect for her were so great that he would even hold his own desire within bounds” (154). So now we’re impressed that he's not pushing sex on her? Cmon. And let’s just take a moment to consider the phallic implications of Lancelot saying the only god he worships is his “sword” (140). Lancelot seems to quickly shift gears, and Morgaine feels a burning hatred for young Gwenhwyfar, concluding with what I think might be a redeeming moment (maybe just a petty one) as Morgaine leaves him to find his own way back.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Kickass Goddess
While reading the first part of the Mist of Avalon I wasn’t sure how this story of magical women relates to the story of Arthur. Nevertheless, I noticed some similarities and difference between this story and other stories we have read throughout the semester. First, the story has a powerful and magical character which is present in most stories of Arthur; however, in this reading, that character is a woman. We have not yet read about a powerful woman other than Guinevere. Morgaine, a power priestess, has powers, and athletic ability that seems to be greater than Galahad. When they are climbing a steep slope, she climbs it with ease while Galahad struggles to keep up. Also, she isn’t afraid to show her legs which goes against societal norms. It is refreshing to read about a female character with great wisdom, strength, power, and beauty. Another essential theme in readings about Arthur is nature. In this except the weather and beauty of Avalon is described in detail. For example, “The sun seemed to burn more brightly, the clouds to move through the sky like great wings against the dazzling, sparkling air, every bud of clover in the grass shimmered…” (p.154). Lastly, the forbidden love between Lancelot and Guinevere is found in many of the readings we have read and, in this reading, forbidden love is a vital theme. Morgaine is in love with Galahad who is her cousin and the head priestess’s son. She struggles to resists his advances but ultimately gives in. Women and men are often tempted in stories of Arthur. Overall, the Mist of Avalon is an exciting story with kickass women.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Treason and Reason
"I have tried to do my duty."
"Ye have striven to admiration."
"I sentenced her because it was the law to sentence her. I have done my best to see the sentence will be carried out."
"But it willna be. Lancelot will bring her safe."
"Gawaine, you are not to think that I am trying to get her rescued. I am the justice of England, and it is our business now to burn her to the death, without remorse."
Gawaine's first line really hits it on the head here, whether Arthur is willing to admit it or not. We see Arthur's admiration cloud his judgement multiple times throughout the passage. It's accepted that he knows about the affair, but keeps it hushed for the greater good of the kingdom. That's why he isn't surprised when the brothers and Mordred bring it up to him. Many before him have brought it to his attention, all to be killed by Lancelot in combat. I also love that killing your opponent holds legal weight, and the victor is the one considered to be just and right. It's like if Evander Holyfield led OJ's defense team. It almost seems to me that Arthur is accepting of the affair because of the great deal of love that he has for Guinevere and Lancelot. That's why he opposes trapping them. Because of the love and respect he has for them, he can't, in good conscience, do what he thinks will be deceiving them, even though they've been doing that to him for years. This is also weird logic coming from a man who put an entire boat full of babies to death just to save himself from the wrath of his son.
"Ye have striven to admiration."
"I sentenced her because it was the law to sentence her. I have done my best to see the sentence will be carried out."
"But it willna be. Lancelot will bring her safe."
"Gawaine, you are not to think that I am trying to get her rescued. I am the justice of England, and it is our business now to burn her to the death, without remorse."
Gawaine's first line really hits it on the head here, whether Arthur is willing to admit it or not. We see Arthur's admiration cloud his judgement multiple times throughout the passage. It's accepted that he knows about the affair, but keeps it hushed for the greater good of the kingdom. That's why he isn't surprised when the brothers and Mordred bring it up to him. Many before him have brought it to his attention, all to be killed by Lancelot in combat. I also love that killing your opponent holds legal weight, and the victor is the one considered to be just and right. It's like if Evander Holyfield led OJ's defense team. It almost seems to me that Arthur is accepting of the affair because of the great deal of love that he has for Guinevere and Lancelot. That's why he opposes trapping them. Because of the love and respect he has for them, he can't, in good conscience, do what he thinks will be deceiving them, even though they've been doing that to him for years. This is also weird logic coming from a man who put an entire boat full of babies to death just to save himself from the wrath of his son.
Revolution of not fighting
"They were always saying that the resent [war] was to be the last, and afterwards there was to be a heaven."pp. 631-632
The narrator is talking about how every war is supposed to be the last war. Merlyn has been trying to get Arthur to see that war is not right, which Arthur tries to fix. He wants to change the reasons for war. Arthur's own kind of revolution.
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